Thursday, November 19, 2009

Plural Nouns

Finish the sentences with the singular or plural form of the nouns. e.g.
There is a ____ on the table.
Answer: There is a book on the table.

1) The cat is sitting on my (bed - beds) .
2) There are five (pencil - pencils) on my desk.
3) I have two (sister - sisters) .
4) They are riding their (bike - bikes) .
5) We have a (dog - dogs) .
6) How many (book - books) do you have in your bag?
7) My mother has a new (computer - computers) .
8) There are three windows in the (room - rooms) .
9) Susan has four (poster - posters) .
10) There is one (pen - pens) on the floor.