Friday, July 24, 2009

ADJECTIVES (page 22)

This page will explain the different types of adjectives and the correct order for them.
Find the correct adjective for you, when you answer the questions. TRANSLATE.
Colors are adjectives = black, blue, white, green, red.

1) My house is _______________


2) My car is ________________.


3) My room is painted _________________.


Sizes = big, small, large, thin, thick, strait, curly, tall, short,

1) My house is _________________.


2) My hair is __________________.


3) I am ___________________.


Shapes = triangular, round, square, circular,

1) A ball is _____________


2) An ice cream cone is ______________


3) A window is ________________


Qualities = good, bad, mediocre, fair…

1) The cafeteria food is _________________


2) My grades are _________________


Personality = happy, sad, angry, depressed…

1) I’m _______________ right now.


2) I’m _______________ when I get up in the morning.


Time = Yearly, monthly, annually, daily…

1) I take a bath _______________


2) We make tests _____________


3) I celebrate my birthday ______________


Ages = new, young, old, brand-new, second-hand, hand me downs…

1) My clothes are ________________


2) My shoes are _________________


Sound related = loud, noisy, quiet, silent

1) I like my music ______________


2) My classroom is usually ______________


Touch related = slippery, sticky, rough, smooth

1) My skin is ________________


2) When I mop my floor is _______________


3) When I touch _______________


Taste related = juicy, sweet, sour,

1) The meat is ______________.


2) Ice cream is ______________.


3) Lemons are ______________.


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