Thursday, July 23, 2009

Verb “To be” Questions. (page 14)

To make question with the verb “to be” we jump the verb to the beginning of the sentence.

Father Thomas is building a new church.

Is Father Thomas building a new church?

Change the sentences from affirmative to question.

1. His secretary Socorro is helping him in the office.



2. Many people are visiting the new church.



3. Father Thomas is going to buy a new chalice. (caliz)



4. The workers are finishing the altar.



5. He is already celebrating mass in the new church. (mass = misa)



6. The workers are going to hang the stations of the Cross.



7. There are many flowers in the new church.



8. There is a large cross behind the altar. (cross = cruz)



9. Father Thomas is going to have the old church demolished.



10. The new church will have a balcony for the chorus.(chorus = coro)



11. There are many children that want to sing in the chorus.



12. The church will be finished by next year.



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