Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Subject + Verb to “be” (page 9)

When the subject is singular, the verb must be singular.

When the subject is plural the verb must be plural.

e.g. singular: The boy is tall.
plural: The boys are tall.

The supervisor is in the plant.
The supervisors are in the plant.

a. Change the subject noun to plural. Then translate

1. The Doctor is on vacation.



2. The Architect is outside.



3. The accountant is in the office.



4. The reporter is hungry.



5. The customer is in the hall.



6. The lesson is difficult.



7. The worker is at the union meeting. (union = sindicato)



8. The nurse is busy today.



9. The Quality manager is in Tokyo.



10 The new job is difficult.



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