Sunday, July 26, 2009

Plural Nouns (page 34 "End of the 1rst. Evaluation)

Change the plural sentences to singular.
In a classroom & School verbs.

1) The teachers are in the classroom.



2) The students are sitting at their desks.



3) The boys are writing with the chalk.



4) The girls are listening to the teacher.



5) The teachers are using the textbooks.



6) The Principals are talking on the loudspeaker. (autoparlante)



7) The lockers are in the hall.



8) The school buses are waiting for the children.



9) The halls are full of new students at the Junior High.



10) The pencil sharpeners are on that table.



11) The computers are in the next room.



12) The football players are leaving the field.



13) The cheerleaders are entering the showers.



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